Items where Year is 2010

Group by: Creators | Item Type | No Grouping
Number of items: 119.

Adair, Tim (2010) Making better use of existing datasets to strengthen the evidence base for health policy: report on a training workshop in Samoa, October 2010. Health Informafion Systems Knowledge Hub, 6.

Angel, Bernardo Vargas (2010) CRED REA Coral Health and Disease Assessment at Swains Atoll, American Samoa in 2008.

Angelo, Tony (2010) Commentary on the Pacific Islands Forum 2010. "New Zealand Yearbook of International Law, The", 8. pp. 167-170.

Barnes, Shawn S, Small, Christian, Bennett, Jillian, Barnes, Jason and Keogh, Ryan (2010) Prevalence of smoking in rural Samoa. Journal of the New Zealand Medical Association, 123 (1309).

Barnes, Shawn S, Small, Christian R, Lauilefue, Tui Agaapapalagi, Bennett, Jillian and Yamada, Seiji (2010) Alcohol consumption and gender in rural Samoa. Substance Abuse and Rehabilitation, 1. p. 1.

Becker, Anne E, Roberts, Andrea L, Perloe, Alexandra, Bainivualiku, Asenaca, Richards, Lauren K, Gilman, Stephen E and Striegel-Moore, Ruth H (2010) Youth health-risk behavior assessment in Fiji: the reliability of Global School-based Student Health Survey content adapted for ethnic Fijian girls. Ethnicity & health, 15 (2). pp. 181-197.

Bialek, Stephanie R, Helgenberger, Louisa, Fischer, Gayle E, Bower, William A, Konelios, Mailynn, Chaine, Jean-Paul, Armstrong, Gregory, Williams, Ian T and Bell, Beth P (2010) Impact of routine hepatitis B immunization on the prevalence of chronic hepatitis B virus infection in the Marshall Islands and the Federated States of Micronesia. The Pediatric infectious disease journal, 29 (1). pp. 18-22.

Bittenbender, A (2010) Evaluation of the Mand Nutrition and Local Food Promotion Project: Pohnpei, Federated States of Micronesia. "Internship Report Submitted to the Faculty of the Mel and Enid zuckerman College of Public Health in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Masters of Public Health, University of Arizona".

Bitton, Asaf, Zaslavsky, Alan M and Ayanian, John Z (2010) Health risks, chronic diseases, and access to care among US Pacific Islanders. Journal of general internal medicine, 25 (5). pp. 435-440.

Bouma, Gary D, Ling, Rod and Pratt, Douglas (2010) Tonga. Religious Diversity in Southeast Asia and the Pacific. pp. 191-195.

Brazys, Samuel (2010) Dutch Disease in the Western Pacific: an overview of the FSM economy under the Amended Compact of Free Association.

Brewis, Alexandra A (2010) Obesity: Cultural and biocultural perspectives.

Brian, Garry, Fischer_Harder, Konstanze, Sikivou, Biu, Qoqonokana, Mundi Qalo, Szetu, John and Ramke, Jacqueline (2010) Diabetic eye disease among adults in Fiji with self_reported diabetes. Clinical & experimental ophthalmology, 38 (9). pp. 867-874.

Brian, Garry, Ramke, Jacqueline, Maher, Louise, Page, Andrew and Szetu, John (2010) The prevalence of diabetes among adults aged 40 years and over in Fiji. Clinical Correspondence.

Briskman, Linda, Zion, Deborah and Loff, Bebe (2010) Challenge and collusion: health professionals and immigration detention in Australia. The International Journal of Human Rights, 14 (7). pp. 1092-1106.

Buluta, Saiasi, Finau, Ilaitia, Brodie, Gilianne and Hodge, Simon (2010) A preliminary study into the potential of mayflies (Ephemeroptera: Baetidae and Caenidae) as bio-indicators of stream health in Fiji. The South Pacific Journal of Natural and Applied Sciences, 28 (1). pp. 82-84.

Cama, Anasaini T, Sikivou, Biu Telaite and Keeffe, Jill E (2010) Childhood visual impairment in Fiji. Archives of Ophthalmology, 128 (5). pp. 608-612.

Cassel, Kevin D (2010) Using the Social-Ecological Model as a research and intervention framework to understand and mitigate obesogenic factors in Samoan populations. Ethnicity & health, 15 (4). pp. 397-416.

Cavalin, Catherine (2010) WHO Multi-country Study on Women's Health and Domestic Violence against Women. Initial results on prevalence, health outcomes and women's responses.

Connell, John (2010) Migration and the globalisation of health care: The health worker exodus?

DePue, Judith D, Rosen, Rochelle K, Batts-Turner, Marian, Bereolos, Nicole, House, Meaghan, Held, Rachel Forster, Nu'usolia, Ofeira, Tuitele, John, Goldstein, Michael G and McGarvey, Stephen T (2010) Cultural translation of interventions: diabetes care in American Samoa. American journal of public health, 100 (11). pp. 2085-2093.

Deehy, Karen, Hoger, Fatima S, Kallio, Jan, Klumpyan, Kay, Samoa, Siniva, Sell, Karen and Yee, Linda (2010) Participant-centered education: building a new WIC nutrition education model. Journal of nutrition education and behavior, 42 (3).

Doran, Frances and Davis, Kierrynn (2010) Gestational diabetes mellitus in Tonga: insights from healthcare professionals and women who experienced gestational diabetes mellitus. NZ Med J, 123 (1326). pp. 59-67.

Dumaru, Patrina (2010) Community_based adaptation: enhancing community adaptive capacity in Druadrua Island, Fiji. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Climate Change, 1 (5). pp. 751-763.

Durand, A Mark (2010) Quality improvement and the hierarchy of needs in low resource settings: perspective of a district health officer. International Journal for Quality in Health Care, 22 (1). pp. 70-72.

Englberger, L (2010) Pohnpei, Federated States of Micronesia case study in a global health project documents its local food resources and successfully promotes local food for health. Pac Health Dialog, 16 (1). pp. 129-36.

Englberger, L, Kuhnlein, HV, Lorens, A, Pedrus, P, Albert, K, Currie, J, Pretrick, M, Jim, R and Kaufer, L (2010) Pohnpei, FSM case study in a global health project documents its local food resources and successfully promotes local food for health. Pacific Health Dialog, 16 (1). pp. 121-128.

Englberger, L, Lorens, A, Pretrick, ME, Spegal, R and Falcam, I (2010) "" Go local"" island food network: using email networking to promote island foods for their health, biodiversity, and other"" CHEEF"" benefits. Pacific health dialog, 16 (1). pp. 41-47.

Evensena, Carl I (2010) 12 SuStainablE watEr quality manaGEmEnt for Pacific iSlanD watErShEDS: illuStrationS from amErican Samoa, hawai �i, anD micronESia. Sustainability Science for Watershed Landscapes. p. 279.

Fairbairn-Dunlop, Tagaloatele Peggy (2010) �He's Won, but He's Lost It� Applying a Samoa gender lens to education outcomes. AlterNative: An International Journal of Indigenous Peoples, 6 (2). pp. 143-154.

Fletcher, Charles H and Richmond, Bruce M (2010) Climate change in the Federated States of Micronesia. "Food and water security, climate risk management, and adaptive strategies. University of Hawai�i, Hawaii".

Fred, D, Desai, M, Song, R, Bamrah, S, Pavlin, BI, Heetderks, A and Ekiek, MJ (2010) Multi-drug resistant tuberculosis in Chuuk State Federated States of Micronesia, 2008-2009. Pacific Health Dialog, 16 (1). pp. 123-127.

Frederick, Howard (2010) Cultural aspects of total survey quality: Entrepreneurship research in the Kingdom of Tonga. "4th Global Entrepreneurship Research Conference Papers, Imperial College Business School, London".

Futter-Puati, Debbie (2010) Maki maro. Tuberculosis in the Cook Islands. A social history 1896-1975.

Gambahaya, Zifikile and Muhwati, Itai (2010) Tonga orature as historical record: An Afrocentric exegesis of the dialectics between African human factor agency and the European enslavement of place. Journal of Black Studies, 41 (2). pp. 320-337.

Gani, Azmat (2010) Human Well-being in the Pacific Island Mini States. Development, 53 (1). pp. 105-113.

Gill, Kuldip (2010) Indian Women in Fiji: Their Health Choices.

Government of Tonga (2010) Hala Fononga: path to good health. "Tonga National Strategy to Prevent and Control Non-Communicable Diseases, 2010-2015".

Hansell, Dyxon (2010) Long term outcome of Hirscuprungs disease in CWMH. Masters thesis, College of Medicine Nursing and Health Science.

Hawley, NL, Menard, HL, Agha, G and McGarvey, ST (2010) Preliminary blood lipid, lipoprotein and glucose findings from the genome-wide association study of adiposity in Samoans. Samoa medical journal, 2 (2). p. 11.

Held, Rachel Forster, DePue, Judith, Rosen, Rochelle, Bereolos, Nicole, Nu'usolia, Ofeira, Tuitele, John, Goldstein, Michael, House, Meaghan and McGarvey, Stephen (2010) Patient and health care provider views of depressive symptoms and diabetes in American Samoa. Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology, 16 (4). p. 461.

Hopkins, Sandra, Irava, Wayne and Tin, K (2010) Comparisons of Health Expenditure in the Pacific Island Countries using National Health Accounts. Pacific health dialog, 16 (2). pp. 41-50.

Irava, Wayne and Moores, Ken (2010) Resources supporting entrepreneurial orientation in multigenerational family firms. International journal of entrepreneurial venturing, 2 (3/4). pp. 222-245.

Irava, Wayne J. and Moores, Ken (2010) Clarifying the strategic advantage of familiness: Unbundling its dimensions and highlighting its paradoxes. Journal of Family Business Strategy, 1 (3). pp. 131-144. ISSN 18778585

Isaki, Emi and Ainu'u, Shauna (2010) Familiarity with stroke, traumatic brain injury, and speech-language pathology services in adults living in American Samoa. "Asia Pacific Journal of Speech, Language and Hearing", 13 (3). pp. 163-170.

Johnson, E, Jim, R and Pavlin, BI (2010) Hepatitis A in Pohnpei State, Federated States of Micronesia, 2008�2009. Pac Health Dialog, 16. pp. 91-97.

Juarez, Deborah Taira, Samoa, Raynald A, Chung, Richard S and Seto, Todd B (2010) Disparities in health, obesity and access to care among an insured population of Asian and Pacific Islander Americans in Hawai �i. Hawaii medical journal, 69 (2). p. 42.

Ka'opua, Lana Sue I and Holden, Debra J (2010) Cancer disparities in the Federated States of Micronesia: funding challenges of a developing nation in epidemiological transition. Social Work in Public Health, 25 (04-Mar). pp. 296-310.

Kawai, Kei, Kuwahara, Sueo, Onjo, Michio, NODA, Shinichi, NISHIMURA, Akira, TOMINAGA, Shigeto and NAGASHIMA, Shunsuke (2010) The influence of environmental changes on the Micronesian area: A case study of islands in Pohnpei State, Federated States of Micronesia. South Pacific Studies, 30 (2). pp. 23-43.

Kawakami, T and Ton, That Khai (2010) Improving safety and health of waste collectors in Fiji-promoting cooperation between waste collectors and the community. Asian-Pacific Newsletter on Occupational Health and Safety, 17 (3). pp. 61-63.

Ka�opua, Lana SI, Tofaeono, Jennifer F, Park, Soono H, Scanlan, Luana MY, Ward, Margaret E, Tofaeono, Victor W and Foifua, Salilo J (2010) Developing Tautai Lavea �i, a Breast Cancer Patient Nativation Program in American Samoa. Journal of Indigenous Social Development, 1 (2A).

Kelso, Anne and Reading, Patrick C (2010) Influenza in the Pacific. Papua New Guinea Medical Journal, 53 (3/4). pp. 180-190. ISSN 0031-1480

Kiribati National Statistics Office (2010) Kiribati Demographic and Health Survey.

Kohler, LA, Alik, T, Kaplan, EL and Anderson, FL (2010) A pilot study for the primary prevention of rheumatic fever in Kosrae, Federated States of Micronesia. Pacific Health Dialog, 16 (1). pp. 99-108.

Krosch, Sara L (2010) Perceptions and use of complementary and alternative medicine in American Samoa: a survey of health care providers. Hawaii medical journal, 69 (6 Supp). p. 21.

Kulkarni, S and Dean, S (2010) Surveillance of cancer cases in TTM Hospital: a retrospective study of 5 years. Samoa Med J, 2.

Lamsis Jr, Pablo H (2010) Correlates of Academic Performance of Freshman Students at the College of Micronesia--Federated States of Micronesia, Pohnpei Campus. Online Submission.

Land, Charles E, Bouville, Andr�, Apostoaei, Iulian and Simon, Steven L (2010) Projected lifetime cancer risks from exposure to regional radioactive fallout in the Marshall Islands. Health Physics, 99 (2). pp. 201-215.

Laverack, Glenn (2010) Building capacity for health research in Samoa and the Pacific Region. Samoa Medical Journal, 2 (2). pp. 45-46.

Lepers, Christelle and Kool, Jacob L (2010) Towards a standardised syndromic and event-based surveillance system for the Pacific Islands. Towards a standardised syndromic and event-based surveillance system for the Pacific Islands.

Macro, ICF (2010) Samoa Demographic and Health Survey 2009.

Matiaka, Reapi (2010) The Budern of Congenital Heart Disease in CWMH in Fiji. Masters thesis, College of Medicine Nursing and Health Science.

May, William and Senitiri, Iokimi (2010) Guillain-Barr� syndrome associated with typhoid fever. A case study in the Fiji Islands. Pacific health dialog, 16 (2). pp. 85-88.

McCabe, Marita P, Fotu, Kalesita, Mavoa, Helen and Faeamani, Gavin (2010) Body image and body change strategies among Tongan adolescents in Tonga and New Zealand. New Zealand medical journal, 123 (1326).

McKimm, Judy (2010) Current trends in undergraduate medical education: program and curriculum design. Samoa Medical Journal, 1 (2). pp. 40-48.

Mkhulisi, Dennis Joseph (2010) Access to voluntary counselling and HIV testing services by Tonga Hospital employees.

Moodie, Marj, Richardson, Jeff, Rankin, Bree, Iezzi, Angelo and Sinha, Kompal (2010) Predicting time trade-off health state valuations of adolescents in four Pacific countries using the Assessment of Quality-of-Life (AQoL-6D) instrument. Value in Health, 13 (8). pp. 1014-1027.

Moore, Malcolm A, Baumann, Francine, Foliaki, Sunia, Goodman, Marc T, Haddock, Robert, Maraka, Roger, Koroivueta, Josefa, Roder, David, Vinit, Thomas and Whippy, Helen JD (2010) Cancer epidemiology in the pacific islands-past, present and future. Asian Pacific journal of cancer prevention: APJCP, 11 (0 2). p. 99. ISSN 20553071

Morgano, SM, Doumit, M, Shammari, KF Al_, Al_Suwayed, A, Al_Suwaidi, A, Debaybo, D and Al_Mubarak, S (2010) Burden of oral disease in the Middle East: Opportunities for dental public health. International dental journal, 60 (3S1). pp. 197-199.

Murphy, Kelle L (2010) Body Mass Index, Physical Activity, Nutritional Habits, and Perceived Body Image Among Pacific Islanders in the Federated States of Micronesia: ___________, ____, _________. Asian Journal of Physical Education & Recreation, 16 (2). pp. 32-45.

Negin, Joel (2010) Sector-Wide Approaches for health: lessons from Samoa and the Solomon Islands. "Health Policy and Health Finance Knowledge Hub, Working Paper Series Number", 4.

Negin, Joel, Roberts, Graham and Lingam, Dharam (2010) The evolution of primary heath care in Fiji: past, present and future. Pacific Health Dialog, 16 (2). pp. 13-23.

On, Miriam Lum, Paongo, Timaleti Nauna and Hone, Daniel (2010) Pacific Health Information Network Meeting, Tanoa International Hotel, Nadi, Fiji, 29 September to 2 October 2009.

Organization, World Health (2010) WHO country cooperation strategy for the South Pacific 2006-2011. WHO country cooperation strategy for the South Pacific 2006-2011.

Palafox, Neal A (2010) Health consequences of the Pacific US nuclear weapons testing program in the Marshall Islands: inequity in protection, health care access, policy, regulation. Reviews on environmental health, 25 (1). pp. 81-85.

Palu, Afa K, Kauvaka Palu, Kalisi T, Palu, Ahosi'i and Hifo, Tevita (2010) Fakatafe: A forgotten art of traditional wound-healing using nonu leaves in the Friendly Islands of Tonga. Journal of Medicinal Food Plants, 2 (2).

Parry, Jane (2010) Pacific islanders pay heavy price for abandoning traditional diet. World Health Organization. Bulletin of the World Health Organization, 88 (7). p. 484.

Pavlin, BI, Kool, JL, Samo, MH and Gerstel, L (2010) Working Group on National Notifiable Diseases Prioritization of the Federated States of Micronesia Department of Health and Social Affairs. A standardized process for developing a national notifiable diseases list in a pacific island setting. Asia Pac J Public Health, 22 (3). pp. 279-88.

Pavlin, Boris Igor, Kool, Jacob L, Samo, Marcus H, Gerstel, Lisanne and Working Group on National Notifiable Diseases Prioritization of (2010) A standardized process for developing a national notifiable diseases list in a pacific island setting. Asia Pacific Journal of Public Health, 22 (3). pp. 279-288.

Phillips, Christine B (2010) Immigration detention and health. Medical Journal of Australia, 192 (2). p. 61.

Poltorak, Mike (2010) �Traditional�Healers, Speaking and Motivation in Vava'u, Tonga: Explaining Syncretism and Addressing Health Policy. Oceania, 80 (1).

Rasmussen, D (2010) Implementing the Samoa secondary school health and physical education curriculum: a peg in the ground. O Le Ma'a Tulimanu Sa Lafoai'ina E Tufuga.

Rasmussen, Dawn Therese (2010) Implementing the Samoa Secondary Schools Health and Physical Education Curriculum: A Peg in the Ground.�O Le Ma�a Tulimanu Sa Lafoai�ina E Tufuga�.

Restrepo, Victor (2010) SCIENTIFIC COMMITTEE SIXTH REGULAR SESSION Nuku�alofa, Tonga 10-19 August 2010 International Seafood Sustainability Foundation initiatives to develop and test bycatch.

Rhodes, Lesley L, Smith, Kirsty F, Munday, Rex, Selwood, Andy I, McNabb, Paul S, Holland, Patrick T and Bottein, Marie-Yasmine (2010) Toxic dinoflagellates (Dinophyceae) from Rarotonga, Cook Islands. Toxicon, 56 (5). pp. 751-758.

Robate, Mamao, Toatu, Tebuka, Kirition, Revite, Duffy, Gillian, Hansen, Lisa and Bryar, Tim (2010) Sexual behaviour of Kiribati seafarers: second generation surveillance in 2005 and 2008. International Maritime Health, 62 (4). pp. 195-200.

Robison, William L and Hamilton, Terry F (2010) Radiation doses for Marshall Islands Atolls affected by US nuclear testing: All exposure pathways, remedial measures, and environmental loss of 137Cs. Health physics, 98 (1).

Rotimi, Charles N and Marshall, Patricia A (2010) Tailoring the process of informed consent in genetic and genomic research. Genome Medicine, 2 (3).

Russell, Fiona Mary, Carapetis, Jonathan Rhys, Tikoduadua, Lisi, Paeds, Dip, Chandra, Reginald, Seduadua, Anna, Satzke, Catherine, Pryor, Jan, Buadromo, Eka and Waqatakirewa, Lepani (2010) Invasive pneumococcal disease in Fiji: clinical syndromes, epidemiology, and the potential impact of pneumococcal conjugate vaccine. The Pediatric infectious disease journal, 29 (9). pp. 870-872.

Samo, Marcus and Elymore, Amato (2010) Mortality analysis of registered deaths in the FSM from 1990-2003. Pacific health dialog, 16 (1). pp. 115-122.

Saunders, Aaron, Schiff, Teresa, Rieth, Katherine, Yamada, Seiji, Maskarinec, Gregory G and Riklon, Sheldon (2010) Health as a human right: Who is eligible? Hawaii medical journal, 69 (6 Supp). p. 4.

Secretariat of the Pacific Community (2010) Kiribati Family Health and Support Study: A Study on Violence against Women and Children.

Simon, Steven L, Bouville, Andr�, Land, Charles E and Beck, Harold L (2010) Radiation doses and cancer risks in the Marshall Islands associated with exposure to radioactive fallout from Bikini and Enewetak nuclear weapons tests: summary. Health Physics, 99 (2). p. 105.

Snowdon, W, Potter, J-L, Swinburn, B, Schultz, J and Lawrence, M (2010) Prioritizing policy interventions to improve diets? Will it work, can it happen, will it do harm? Health promotion international, 25 (1). pp. 123-133.

Snowdon, Wendy, Lawrence, Mark, Schultz, Jimaima, Vivili, Paula and Swinburn, Boyd (2010) Evidence-informed process to identify policies that will promote a healthy food environment in the Pacific Islands. Public Health Nutrition, 13 (6). pp. 886-892.

Somanathan, Aparnaa (2010) Samoa Health Sector Management Program Support Project.

Somanathan, Aparnaa and Hafez, Reem (2010) Financing options for the health sector in Tonga. "World Bank, Washington, DC".

Stenberg, Karin, Elovainio, Riku, Chisholm, Dan, Fuhr, Daniela, Perucic, Anne-Marie, Rekve, Dag and Yurekli, Ayda (2010) Responding to the challenge of resource mobilization-mechanisms for raising additional domestic resources for health. World health report.

Storey, Donovan and Hunter, Shawn (2010) Kiribati: an environmental �perfect storm�. Australian geographer, 41 (2). pp. 167-181.

Suwastika, Naidu (2010) The role of the state and Fiji Council of Social Services (FCOSS) in service delivery in Fiji. International NGO Journal, 5 (8). pp. 185-193.

Taboro_i, Danko, Jenson, John W, S�nchez Collazo, Maricruz and Zega, Mojca (2010) Availability, usage, and threats to freshwater resources on low carbonate islands in Micronesia. EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts. p. 9713.

Tandon, Ajay and Cashin, Cheryl (2010) Assessing public expenditure on health from a fiscal space perspective.

Thakorlal, J, Perera, CO, Smith, B, Englberger, L and Lorens, A (2010) Resistant starch in Micronesian banana cultivars offers health benefits. Pacific health dialog, 16 (1). pp. 49-60.

Thow, Anne Marie and Snowdon, Wendy (2010) The effect of trade and trade policy on diet and health in the Pacific Islands. "Trade, food, diet and health: Perspectives and policy options", 147. p. 168.

Thow, Anne Marie, Swinburn, Boyd, Colagiuri, Stephen, Diligolevu, Mere, Quested, Christine, Vivili, Paula and Leeder, Stephen (2010) Trade and food policy: case studies from three Pacific Island countries. Food Policy, 35 (6). pp. 556-564.

Treagus, Mandy (2010) Pu'aka Tonga. M/C Journal, 13 (5).

Tuiketei, Timaima and Rokoduru, Avelina (2010) Violence Against Women: A Public Health Perspective Project Report: Fiji 2010. Project Report. Department of Public Health and Primary Care, College of Medicine, Nursing~….

White, Ian (2010) Tarawa Water Master Plan: Te Ran, Groundwater. Kiribati Adaptation Project Phase II Water Component Project, 3 (1).

Wong, Vanessa S and Kawamoto, Crissy T (2010) Understanding cervical cancer prevention and screening in Chuukese women in Hawai �i. Hawaii Medical Journal, 69 (6 Supp). p. 13.

World Health Organization (2010) Meeting on the Implementation of the Project on National Health Accounts in the Pacific, Nadi, Fiji, 25-27 May 2010: report.

World Health Organization (2010) Regional Workshop on Implementation of the"" Asia Pacific Strategy for Strengthening Health Laboratory Services (2010-2015)"" in Pacific Island Countries, Suva, Fiji, 14-17 September 2010: report.

World Health Organization (2010) Sixth Pacific Immunization Programme Strengthening (PIPS) Workshop, Nadi, Fiji, 27 September to 1 October 2010: report.

World Health Organization (2010) Tonga; Health Situation and Trend. World Health Organization: Geneva.

World Health Organization (2010) Western pacific country health information profiles: 2010 revision.

World Health Organization (2010) World health statistics 2010.

Yomai, AA and Pavlin, BI (2010) Microphthalmia and anophthalmia in Chuuk State, Federated States of Micronesia. Pac Health Dialog, 16 (1). pp. 141-4.

Zealand, Statistics New (2010) Ministry of Pacific Island Affairs.(2010). Health and Pacific peoples in New Zealand, 31.

Zhongming, Zhu, Linong, Lu, Xiaona, Yao, Wangqiang, Zhang and Wei, Liu (2010) Trip report: pilot studies of factors linking watershed function and coastal ecosystem health in American Samoa.

Zimmet, Paul (2010) Nauru and Mauritius: barometers of a global diabetes epidemic. J Med Sci, 3 (2). pp. 78-81.

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